Welcome to Kilcoole Athletic Club

Kilcoole AC, founded in 1970, has been facilitating the training and sporting needs of some of Wicklow’s finest athletes. Offering professionally coached running training for all ages and levels twice a week on track and road. All levels are welcome, from first timers to experienced athletes, from slow coaches to Speedy Gonzales!!

For Senior,Junior or Family Membership, whether new or a renewal, please click on the Athletics Ireland icon below and select either NEW MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION or RENEWAL and follow the instructions from there. If you are new to the club you will need to register a New Athletics Ireland (AI) account and then select Kilcoole AC from the list of clubs.

We no longer maintain a Kilcoole AC waiting list for juveniles but will advertise any places during the year through our Instagram page. We will give instagram followers notice prior to advertising any available places. The next review will be mid September 2024.
Currently all juveniles pods for 5-12 year olds are full.
For any children 13 and over we do have availability in the the following groups:
– Sprint
For these specific groups only, please contact

Thank you,
Kilcoole AC

Athletics Ireland

For any issues about registration contact the Registrar